[Pw_forum] EXX error

giannozz at democritos.it giannozz at democritos.it
Thu Jul 29 16:54:23 CEST 2010

Quoting Amene Nouri <a.nourmohammadi at yahoo.com>:

> : warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line

not sure why this message is issued, but it is harmless

> iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
> INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.   [VAL]
> subroutine

as above

>      from  read_namelists  : error #        19
>       reading namelist system

I don't see the message


You are likely running the non-EXX version with EXX input data.

> Another problem is that I want to use openmp.

you need to compile with openmp enabled. For recent versions:
   ./configure --enable-openmp
should do the job


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