[Pw_forum] Errors in compilation, Pathscale 2.4

Marcos Veríssimo Alves marcos.verissimo.alves at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 17:40:51 CET 2010

Hi all,

I am trying to compile version 4.1.2 of QE (pwscf for the moment, more
precisely) with Pathscale 2.4, and I am having problems in my
compilation. Apparently config goes well and make also until it tries
to compile lapack_atlas.f, where it sees "unsupported compiler
directives". Although compilation doesn't stop there, it stops later
on with errors on statements that seem perfectly ok to me... I am
attaching the errors later in this message. Has anyone tried to
compile (and succeeded in doing so) QE 4.1.2 with such an old version
of the Pathscale compiler? (It's what we have here for the moment...
and changing it is definitely out of my reach.)

Best regards,

Universidad de Cantabria


Errors in the compilation of lapack_atlas.f:

pathf90 -march=auto -O2 -c lapack_atlas.f

pathf95-801 pathf90: WARNING DSTEBZ, File = lapack_atlas.f, Line =
8773, Column = 7
  Unsupported compiler directive.

pathf95-801 pathf90: WARNING DLAEBZ, File = lapack_atlas.f, Line =
11373, Column = 7
  Unsupported compiler directive.

pathf95-801 pathf90: WARNING DLAEBZ, File = lapack_atlas.f, Line =
11533, Column = 16
  Unsupported compiler directive.

pathf95-801 pathf90: WARNING DLAEBZ, File = lapack_atlas.f, Line =
11535, Column = 16
  Unsupported compiler directive.

pathf95: PathScale(TM) Fortran Version 2.4 (f14) Tue Jan 19, 2010  17:26:49
pathf95: 53436 source lines
pathf95: 0 Error(s), 4 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
pathf95: "explain pathf95-message number" gives more information about
each message
pathf90 -O0 -c dlamch.f
ar ruv lapack_atlas.a lapack_atlas.o dlamch.o
ar: creating lapack_atlas.a
a - lapack_atlas.o
a - dlamch.o
ranlib lapack_atlas.a
pathf90 -march=auto -O2 -c lapack_all.f
ar ruv lapack.a lapack_atlas.o lapack_all.o dlamch.o
ar: creating lapack.a
a - lapack_atlas.o
a - lapack_all.o
a - dlamch.o


Errors in compilation of scf_mod.f90:

cpp -P --traditional -D__EKO -D__FFTW -D__MPI -D__PARA -I../include
scf_mod.f90 -o scf_mod.F90
mpif90 -march=auto -O2 -D__EKO -D__FFTW -D__MPI -D__PARA -I../include
-I./  -I../Modules  -I../iotk/src -I../PW  -I../PH  -I../EE -I../GIPAW
-c scf_mod.F90 -o scf_mod.o

pathf95-855 pathf90: ERROR SCF, File = scf_mod.F90, Line = 10, Column = 8
  The compiler has detected errors in module "SCF".  No module
information file will be created for this module.

     REAL(DP),   allocatable :: of_r(:,:)  ! the charge density in R-space
pathf95-197 pathf90: ERROR SCF, File = scf_mod.F90, Line = 49, Column = 18
  Unexpected syntax: "POINTER or DIMENSION" was expected but found
pathf95-190 pathf90: ERROR SCF, File = scf_mod.F90, Line = 49, Column = 33
  Component "OF_R" does not have a POINTER attribute so its dimension
must be an explicit-shape array with constant bounds.

     COMPLEX(DP),allocatable :: of_g(:,:)  ! the charge density in G-space
pathf95-197 pathf90: ERROR SCF, File = scf_mod.F90, Line = 50, Column = 18
  Unexpected syntax: "POINTER or DIMENSION" was expected but found
pathf95-190 pathf90: ERROR SCF, File = scf_mod.F90, Line = 50, Column = 33
  Component "OF_G" does not have a POINTER attribute so its dimension
must be an explicit-shape array with constant bounds.

     REAL(DP),   allocatable :: kin_r(:,:) ! the kinetic energy
density in R-space

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