[Pw_forum] About LDOs calcualtions at fermi level

saqib javaid javaid at ipcms.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Jan 14 15:53:09 CET 2010

Dear PWSCF users,
I have a question regarding the calculation of local denstiy of states 
(LDOS) at fermi level. The problem is that i have calculated the LDOS at 
Ef using plot_num3 in pp.x . Later i used plot_num 10 with emin=Ef and 
emax is very small(1mev) to ensure that i get almost the same LDOS as 
option3. However the two LDOS figures are completely different. I would 
really appreciate if you could help resolve this confusion
with best regards
saqib javaid
PhD student
university of strasbourg.

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