[Pw_forum] negative PDOS is reasonable?

Jiayu Dai daijiayu at nudt.edu.cn
Sat Jan 9 09:22:15 CET 2010

You were using different ngauss to calculate the DOS and PDOS. I suggest you use
ngauss=0 for PDOS calculation.



>for dos calculation



 >           prefix = '1.pw',
  >          outdir = './Cd',  
  >  fildos='Cd.dos',
  >  Emin=1.0, Emax=15.0, DeltaE=0.1
> /


>for PDOS calculation.


 >           prefix = '1.pw',
 >>           outdir = './Cd', 
 >   Emin=1.0, Emax=15.0, DeltaE=0.1
 >   ngauss=1, degauss=0.03

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