[Pw_forum] Parallel Running the Example 01 (Stop !!!!)
Ngoc Linh Nguyen
nnlinh at sissa.it
Sat Feb 27 11:37:55 CET 2010
Masoud Nahali wrote:
> Dear Quantum Espresso Users
> I have installed parallel Quantum Espresso successfully and tried to
> run the exapmle 01.
> at first I tried to run the example 01 from the root but the program
> did't run and then I went out of the root for running (this is the
> proposed by the QE). the first problem solved by going out of the
> root. Once I could run the example 01 but amazingly I cannot now !!.
> when I run the exaplme 01 the program stopped at this line:
> running the scf calculation for Si... and did not continue
> and any CPU's did not work and there is not any results.
> My system is AMD (3 cores) and LAM-MPI works well. but I think that
> the problem is related to lam ! since at first time that I tried QE
> aked me to boot the lam by lamboot and I do to continue. and it is so
> interesting that I runned once and cleaned the temporary but again I
> can not !!!
I suggest to use mpich-mpi. In the startup.f90 of QE , MPI commands are
written agree with mpich-mpi.
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