[Pw_forum] cannot run the pw code
Ngoc Linh Nguyen
nnlinh at sissa.it
Wed Feb 24 20:34:23 CET 2010
Elie Moujaes wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to run the pw code to execute a program `si.scf`
> but when I write the command
> >prompt espresso-4.1.2/dir/bin/pw.x <si.scf> si.scf.out
> I get an error
> bash: si.scf: no such file or directory..what I am doing wrong? id the
> command line wrong? I know it is a preliminar question but I am
> beginner in computational physics
The error told that: the input file is not available in the executable
Let check if the names of input file or directory are right or not?
> Regards,
> Thanks
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