[Pw_forum] Error in running GWW
nicy04 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 03:31:29 CET 2010
Hi QE users:
I download CVS QE from : cvs -d
:pserver:anonymous at scm.qe-forge.org:/cvsroot/q-e checkout espresso
and successfully ./configure and make.
However, when I run example02 in GWW_examples, two error message occurred.
running the phonon calculation at Gamma for computating the head of
bulk Si...[eldhcp197.ece.uiuc.edu:07282] MPI_ABORT invoked on rank 0
in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 0
running the scf calculation for bulk Si (EXCHANGE part)... done
running the pw4gww calculation at Gamma for computating the exchange
energies of bulk Si... done
running the scf calculation with kpoints for bulk Si (WANNIER part)... done
running the nscf calculation at GAMMA for bulk Si (WANNIER part)... done
copy ../HEAD/si.e_head into the current directory .
cp: cannot stat `../HEAD/si.e_head': No such file or directory
running the pw4gww calculation for bulk Si (WANNIER part)...At line
57 of file calculate_wing.f90 (unit = 99, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: File 'si.e_head' does not exist
Error condition encountered during test: exit status = 2
As you can see, MPI doesn't work although when I did ./configure, it
is detected.
Second, si.e_head wasn't created.
I am wondering what I did wrong and how to fix it.
Thank you.
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