[Pw_forum] LDA+U calculations
Matteo Cococcioni
matteo at umn.edu
Mon Feb 22 16:32:00 CET 2010
> i`m wondering how in PW the MF approximation is enforced in NM case.
> Can you give me some details?
Hi Gianluca,
I'm not sure about what you exactly mean in this question. in a NM
calculation the
Kohn-Sham states of opposite spin are forced to be degenerate (may or
may not be the ground state)
and with the same occupations (and so magnetization is 0).
In practice the code has a spin-independent xc functional and solves for
only one spin
putting two electrons on each state. The same results of the nm case
can be recovered using nspin = 2 (magnetic calculation)
with starting_magnetization = 0
> thank you.
> Gianluca
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Matteo Cococcioni
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
University of Minnesota
421 Washington Av. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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