[Pw_forum] unable to read density.dat
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at democritos.it
Sat Feb 20 16:36:55 CET 2010
On Saturday 20 February 2010 05:57, udayagiri sai babu wrote:
> I run my simulations (SCF) on supercomputer (Regatta) and then transfer the
> output to my desktop for further processing. Recently when I tried to
> extract charge density using pp.x, it gave an error saying unable to open
> density.dat but i am able to extract charge density when I run the
> simulation on my desktop instead of on supercomputer. Unfortunately I cant
> run big systems on my desktop. Can some body suggest me solution to this?
there is a utility "iotk", in iotk/ , that can convert from binary to
formatted and vice versa. Convert to formatted, compress,
copy to your desktop, uncompress, re-convert to binary
Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and Udine University
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