[Pw_forum] translation of lattice planes
Ngoc Linh Nguyen
nnlinh at sissa.it
Sat Feb 13 11:18:45 CET 2010
> hi
> I am studying nickel. can anybody help me how to translate few planes in a
> supercell
In order to estimate the positions of atoms on the planes in the
supercell, you should clarify:
- which kind of structure that you want to consider, i.e. (111) or
(100) or (110) surfaces.
- size of supercell, such as: 2x2x2, or 2x2x4. The height of vacuum
- Then, you handle the positions of the atoms associate with the sizes
of the supercell.
I would like to send to you an example to make clear about forming a
> and how i can constrain few atomic plane in my code. when i am
> changing the x, y, z coordinate to move a bit the complete structure
> itself is changing.
In order to constrain the atoms on the planes, in the card
ATOMIC_POSITION, you put as:
Ni X(1) Y(1) Z(1) 0 0 0
it means that the positions of that atom will be fixed while relaxing of
models is happening.
> vicky
> research student
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Nguyen Ngoc Linh, PhD Student
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