[Pw_forum] plotband.x and displaying style

Gabriele Sclauzero sclauzer at sissa.it
Sat Aug 28 11:21:41 CEST 2010

Il giorno 27/ago/2010, alle ore 23.04, Masoud Nahali ha scritto:

>   Dear Gabriele Sclauzero
>   I need to eliminated the lines not the dots since the line style causes the noisy display. Replacing the dot by line in the grep command dose not eliminate the lines.
>   would you please help me to eliminate the lines. Many thanks for your helps.

Sorry, I didn't read your message carefully enough. You can try to apply the same trick to delete lines from that ps file. First just look inside the file with your preferred text editor, and then you can try a suitable find&replace procedure.
However, I strongly advice you to use the datafile with the bands in the "xmgrace" format (which is nothing else than a pair of columns, one containing the "distance" along the path in k-space, the other the KS eigenvalues) and feed it to gnuplot (or another plotting program). Then you can select the postscript terminal and plot the file with any style you want (e.g. plot 'datafile' using 1:2 with points pt 2 ps 1).



>   Sincerely Yours
>   Masoud Nahali
>   SUT
> You can modify the postscript file using this bash onliner. Suppose your PS file is named file1.ps, then simply do
> grep -v dot file1.ps > file2.ps
> and you will get the same graph without dots in file2.ps
> GS
> Il giorno 27/ago/2010, alle ore 09.53, Masoud Nahali ha scritto:
> > Dear QE Users
> >
> > When I use plotband.x to produce the band structure, the output PS file is a mixed of points and lines.
> > Is there a way that the plotband.x  produces only points in the PS file and neglect the lines ?
> > Since, sometimes the bands are too close to each other and using line and point style will cause some noisy display and so I need displaying the points only.
> >
> > I would appreciate your help and thank you in advance.
> >
> >
> > Best Wishes
> > Masoud Nahali
> > SUT
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§ Gabriele Sclauzero, EPFL SB ITP CSEA
   PH H2 462, Station 3, CH-1015 Lausanne

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