[Pw_forum] Band Structure of Graphite

Masoud Nahali masoudnahali at live.com
Thu Aug 19 14:19:10 CEST 2010

Dear Quantum Espresso Users

I take a wrong band from the input which is placed below.
I have selected 4 essential points in the K_POINTS {crystal} section, which
are P (0.33333,0.33333,0.0) , Q(0.0,0.5,0.0) , Gamma (0.0,0.0,0.0) , and
P (0.33333,0.33333,0.0) to plot the band-structure and compare it with
PRB,4,8,2441,1971. The distance between every two essential points is
divided to 50 parts
I would appreciate your help.

Band input:

  calculation  = "bands",
  pseudo_dir   = "/home/koa/soft/qe4.2/espresso-4.2/pseudo",
  outdir       = "/home/koa/Graphite(2010-08-16)-A/Bulk/Band-DOS/tmp",
  ibrav     = 4,
  a         = 2.457917036,
  b         = 2.457917036,
  c         = 6.302440996,
  cosab     = -0.5,
  cosac     = 1.0,
  cosbc     = 1.0,
  nat       = 4,
  ntyp      = 1,
  ecutwfc   = 40.D0,
  ecutrho   = 480.D0,
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing ='mp',
  degauss = 0.03,
  nspin = 2,
  starting_magnetization(1)= 0.01,
  conv_thr    = 1.D-6,
  mixing_beta = 0.7D0,
  diagonalization = "david",
C  12.0107  C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
C        0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
C        0.000000000   1.419079061   0.000000000
C        0.000000000   0.000000000   3.151220498
C        1.228958518   0.709539531   3.151220498
K_POINTS {crystal}
0.333330    0.333330    0.000000    1
0.326663    0.326663    0.000000    2
0.319997    0.319997    0.000000    3
0.313330    0.313330    0.000000    4
0.306664    0.306664    0.000000    5
0.299997    0.299997    0.000000    6
0.293330    0.293330    0.000000    7
0.286664    0.286664    0.000000    8
0.279997    0.279997    0.000000    9
0.273331    0.273331    0.000000    10
0.266664    0.266664    0.000000    11
0.259997    0.259997    0.000000    12
0.253331    0.253331    0.000000    13
0.246664    0.246664    0.000000    14
0.239998    0.239998    0.000000    15
0.233331    0.233331    0.000000    16
0.226664    0.226664    0.000000    17
0.219998    0.219998    0.000000    18
0.213331    0.213331    0.000000    19
0.206665    0.206665    0.000000    20
0.199998    0.199998    0.000000    21
0.193331    0.193331    0.000000    22
0.186665    0.186665    0.000000    23
0.179998    0.179998    0.000000    24
0.173332    0.173332    0.000000    25
0.166665    0.166665    0.000000    26
0.159998    0.159998    0.000000    27
0.153332    0.153332    0.000000    28
0.146665    0.146665    0.000000    29
0.139999    0.139999    0.000000    30
0.133332    0.133332    0.000000    31
0.126665    0.126665    0.000000    32
0.119999    0.119999    0.000000    33
0.113332    0.113332    0.000000    34
0.106666    0.106666    0.000000    35
0.099999    0.099999    0.000000    36
0.093332    0.093332    0.000000    37
0.086666    0.086666    0.000000    38
0.079999    0.079999    0.000000    39
0.073333    0.073333    0.000000    40
0.066666    0.066666    0.000000    41
0.059999    0.059999    0.000000    42
0.053333    0.053333    0.000000    43
0.046666    0.046666    0.000000    44
0.040000    0.040000    0.000000    45
0.033333    0.033333    0.000000    46
0.026666    0.026666    0.000000    47
0.020000    0.020000    0.000000    48
0.013333    0.013333    0.000000    49
0.006667    0.006667    0.000000    50
0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    51
0.000000    0.010000    0.000000    52
0.000000    0.020000    0.000000    53
0.000000    0.030000    0.000000    54
0.000000    0.040000    0.000000    55
0.000000    0.050000    0.000000    56
0.000000    0.060000    0.000000    57
0.000000    0.070000    0.000000    58
0.000000    0.080000    0.000000    59
0.000000    0.090000    0.000000    60
0.000000    0.100000    0.000000    61
0.000000    0.110000    0.000000    62
0.000000    0.120000    0.000000    63
0.000000    0.130000    0.000000    64
0.000000    0.140000    0.000000    65
0.000000    0.150000    0.000000    66
0.000000    0.160000    0.000000    67
0.000000    0.170000    0.000000    68
0.000000    0.180000    0.000000    69
0.000000    0.190000    0.000000    70
0.000000    0.200000    0.000000    71
0.000000    0.210000    0.000000    72
0.000000    0.220000    0.000000    73
0.000000    0.230000    0.000000    74
0.000000    0.240000    0.000000    75
0.000000    0.250000    0.000000    76
0.000000    0.260000    0.000000    77
0.000000    0.270000    0.000000    78
0.000000    0.280000    0.000000    79
0.000000    0.290000    0.000000    80
0.000000    0.300000    0.000000    81
0.000000    0.310000    0.000000    82
0.000000    0.320000    0.000000    83
0.000000    0.330000    0.000000    84
0.000000    0.340000    0.000000    85
0.000000    0.350000    0.000000    86
0.000000    0.360000    0.000000    87
0.000000    0.370000    0.000000    88
0.000000    0.380000    0.000000    89
0.000000    0.390000    0.000000    90
0.000000    0.400000    0.000000    91
0.000000    0.410000    0.000000    92
0.000000    0.420000    0.000000    93
0.000000    0.430000    0.000000    94
0.000000    0.440000    0.000000    95
0.000000    0.450000    0.000000    96
0.000000    0.460000    0.000000    97
0.000000    0.470000    0.000000    98
0.000000    0.480000    0.000000    99
0.000000    0.490000    0.000000    100
0.000000    0.500000    0.000000    101
0.006667    0.496667    0.000000    102
0.013333    0.493333    0.000000    103
0.020000    0.490000    0.000000    104
0.026666    0.486666    0.000000    105
0.033333    0.483333    0.000000    106
0.040000    0.480000    0.000000    107
0.046666    0.476666    0.000000    108
0.053333    0.473333    0.000000    109
0.059999    0.469999    0.000000    110
0.066666    0.466666    0.000000    111
0.073333    0.463333    0.000000    112
0.079999    0.459999    0.000000    113
0.086666    0.456666    0.000000    114
0.093332    0.453332    0.000000    115
0.099999    0.449999    0.000000    116
0.106666    0.446666    0.000000    117
0.113332    0.443332    0.000000    118
0.119999    0.439999    0.000000    119
0.126665    0.436665    0.000000    120
0.133332    0.433332    0.000000    121
0.139999    0.429999    0.000000    122
0.146665    0.426665    0.000000    123
0.153332    0.423332    0.000000    124
0.159998    0.419998    0.000000    125
0.166665    0.416665    0.000000    126
0.173332    0.413332    0.000000    127
0.179998    0.409998    0.000000    128
0.186665    0.406665    0.000000    129
0.193331    0.403331    0.000000    130
0.199998    0.399998    0.000000    131
0.206665    0.396665    0.000000    132
0.213331    0.393331    0.000000    133
0.219998    0.389998    0.000000    134
0.226664    0.386664    0.000000    135
0.233331    0.383331    0.000000    136
0.239998    0.379998    0.000000    137
0.246664    0.376664    0.000000    138
0.253331    0.373331    0.000000    139
0.259997    0.369997    0.000000    140
0.266664    0.366664    0.000000    141
0.273331    0.363331    0.000000    142
0.279997    0.359997    0.000000    143
0.286664    0.356664    0.000000    144
0.293330    0.353330    0.000000    145
0.299997    0.349997    0.000000    146
0.306664    0.346664    0.000000    147
0.313330    0.343330    0.000000    148
0.319997    0.339997    0.000000    149
0.326663    0.336663    0.000000    150
0.333330    0.333330    0.000000    151

scf input:

  calculation  = "scf",
  pseudo_dir   = "/home/koa/soft/qe4.2/espresso-4.2/pseudo",
  outdir       = "/home/koa/Graphite(2010-08-16)-A/Bulk/Band-DOS/tmp",
  ibrav     = 4,
  a         = 2.457917036,
  b         = 2.457917036,
  c         = 6.302440996,
  cosab     = -0.5,
  cosac     = 1.0,
  cosbc     = 1.0,
  nat       = 4,
  ntyp      = 1,
  ecutwfc   = 40.D0,
  ecutrho   = 480.D0,
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing ='mp',
  degauss = 0.03,
  nspin = 2,
  starting_magnetization(1)= 0.01,
  conv_thr    = 1.D-6,
  mixing_beta = 0.7D0,
  diagonalization = "david",
C  12.0107  C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
C        0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
C        0.000000000   1.419079061   0.000000000
C        0.000000000   0.000000000   3.151220498
C        1.228958518   0.709539531   3.151220498
K_POINTS {automatic}
10 10 5 1 1 1

Many Thanks
Masoud Nahali
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