[Pw_forum] xc functional, again..
iori at theory.polytechnique.fr
iori at theory.polytechnique.fr
Thu Apr 29 17:59:46 CEST 2010
Hi all.
Maybe my question have already found an answer here ( that unfortuntely I
can't find at the moment), so:
I know I can force pw to use some xc functional, with
In the Modules/functionals.f90 source files I have the list.
But, which is exactly the set of flag I can use to select the functionals?
and which of them are implemented among the list starting at line 75 in
this source file?
If some of you already replied to this kind of question, just send me
corresponding link. I will look at that.
Thanks a lot.
federico iori.
Dr. Federico Iori, PhD!
Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés,
Ecole Polytechnique - CEA/DSM, CNRS
91128 Palaiseau, France
phone: +33 (0) 1 69 33 44 85
emails: federico.iori @ polytechnique.edu
iori.federico @ unimore.it
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