[Pw_forum] question about projwfc.x
Gabriele Sclauzero
sclauzer at sissa.it
Tue Apr 20 09:26:28 CEST 2010
Parwana HABIBI wrote:
> ....
> I would like to see the different contributions
> of each orbital listed exactly as this, but for each orbital.
Given that this question is far from being clear, I hope I can guess what you want.
If you specify filpdos in the inputpp namelist you will get, for each of the possible
atomic orbitals in your system (given by the number of atoms and by the number of
projectors in each PP file), a file containing the PDOS (the DOS projected onto that
atomic orbital).
In principle, given the projections in the filproj file (those you were showing
previously), the k-point weights and a smearing function you could build by yourself the
same quantity without any difficulty (have a look inside PP/projwfc.f90).
You can select the orbitals centered on surface atoms and visualize their PDOS. You can
even sum several PDOS, for instance those of certain surface layers, by using the utility
P.S. please append your affiliation, thanks.
> THanks again,
> NgocLinh Nguyen wrote:
>> Parwana HABIBI wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to study the character of a surface state in chromium (is
>>> it more dz2 or dxy or .. ?), and for that, I've done a projwfc calculation.
>>> It gives me on each kpt, each band and the total weight of all the orbitals.
>> Here, I am not clear about what you meant as kpt ???
>>> What I would like to get is the contribution for each orbital separate.
>> The fact that what you get from projwfc calculation are not only for all
>> orbitals of each atom but also Projected DOS on each valence orbital of
>> the each atom.
>> Is it right ? If so, see more in
>> http://www.quantum-espresso.org/input-syntax/INPUT_PROJWFC.html
>> Good luck,
>> Linh
>>> Is that possible? Or should I change a piece of the code? and if so? how
>> p/s: Pls enclose your affiliation 's name in next discusses.
>>> do I know the right place?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Parwana
o ------------------------------------------------ o
| Gabriele Sclauzero, PhD Student |
| c/o: SISSA & CNR-INFM Democritos, |
| via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy) |
| email: sclauzer at sissa.it |
| phone: +39 040 3787 511 |
| skype: gurlonotturno |
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