[Pw_forum] a brief and (maybe) stupid question

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Wed Apr 14 09:30:24 CEST 2010

Yes ! this  is the correct and expected behavior.
Please report to the list and the developers if you have any evidence 
that this is not the case...
thank you,
  Stefano de Gironcoli

Carlo Nervi wrote:
> Dear all,
> when doing calculations (I'm interested in PW, CP and GIPAW) using PP 
> build with PBE functional (for example), QE compiled with -DEXX flag 
> produces the same results of the version compiled without this flag?
> I mean comparing the results using functionals that are available in 
> both (with and without -DEXX) of the QE compiled versions.
> I apologize if this will sound as a dumb question...
> 	Carlo

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