[Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error
taebumlee at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 21:59:25 CEST 2010
I am trying to calculate slab model of ZnO crystal using quantum-espresso on
my PC (ubuntu 9.0)
For small size (1x1x1 or 2x2x1) slab cell doesn't have any problem to finish
typical scf calculation while 3x3x1 slab model generates following odd error
message. Does anybody has same problem before? Any suggestion will be
helpful too.
taebum at Aubie:~/Documents/QE/ZNO$ pw.x < large.in > large.out &
[1] 2808
taebum at Aubie:~/Documents/QE/ZNO$ At line 556 of file read_cards.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
[1]+ Exit 2 /usr/local/bin/espresso-4.0.5/bin/pw.x <
large.in > large.out
F.Y.I, here is my input.
calculation = 'scf' ,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
wf_collect = .true. ,
outdir = '.' ,
pseudo_dir = '/home/taebum/espresso/pseudo' ,
prefix = 'large' ,
forc_conv_thr = 0.0001 ,
nstep = 5000 ,
tstress = .true. ,
tprnfor = .true. ,
ibrav = 4,
A = 9.7482 ,
B = 9.7482 ,
C = 15.6114 ,
cosAB = -0.5 ,
cosAC = 0.0 ,
cosBC = 0.0 ,
nat = 36,
ntyp = 2,
ecutwfc = 40.0 ,
ecutrho = 320 ,
occupations = 'smearing' ,
degauss = 0.02 ,
smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
conv_thr = 1.0d-8 ,
mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
Zn 65.41000 Zn.pbe-van.UPF
O 16.00000 O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
Zn -0.0000162470 1.8760513450 0.0000000000
O -0.0000162470 1.8760513450 1.9883719800
Zn 1.6244887890 0.9380116020 2.6019000000
O 1.6244887890 0.9380116020 4.3972110000
Zn -1.6247162470 4.6901142920 0.0000000000
O -1.6247162470 4.6901142920 1.9883719800
Zn -0.0002112110 3.7520745490 2.6019000000
O -0.0002112110 3.7520745490 4.3972110000
Zn -3.2494162470 7.5041772390 0.0000000000
O -3.2494162470 7.5041772390 1.9883719800
Zn -1.6249112110 6.5661374960 2.6019000000
O -1.6249112110 6.5661374960 4.3972110000
Zn 3.2493837530 1.8760513450 0.0000000000
O 3.24938375Zn 1.8760513450 1.9883719800
Zn 4.8738887890 0.9380116020 2.6019000000
O 4.8738887890 0.9380116020 4.3972110000
Zn 1.6246837530 4.6901142920 0.0000000000
O 1.62468375Zn 4.6901142920 1.9883719800
Zn 3.2491887890 3.7520745490 2.6019000000
O 3.2491887890 3.7520745490 4.3972110000
Zn -0.0000162470 7.5041772390 0.0000000000
O -0.0000162470 7.5041772390 1.9883719800
Zn 1.6244887890 6.5661374960 2.6019000000
O 1.6244887890 6.5661374960 4.3972110000
Zn 6.4987837530 1.8760513450 0.0000000000
O 6.49878375Zn 1.8760513450 1.9883719800
Zn 8.1232887890 0.9380116020 2.6019000000
O 8.1232887890 0.9380116020 4.3972110000
Zn 4.8740837530 4.6901142920 0.0000000000
O 4.87408375Zn 4.6901142920 1.9883719800
Zn 6.4985887890 3.7520745490 2.6019000000
O 6.4985887890 3.7520745490 4.3972110000
Zn 3.2493837530 7.5041772390 0.0000000000
O 3.24938375Zn 7.5041772390 1.9883719800
Zn 4.8738887890 6.5661374960 2.6019000000
O 4.8738887890 6.5661374960 4.3972110000
K_POINTS automatic
1 1 1 1 1 1
Dept. Chem. & Biochem
Auburn Univ. AL. 36849
TEL.: 334-844-6912
e-mail: taebumlee at gmail.com
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