[Pw_forum] ph.x taking a lot of time to run!

Elie Moujaes elie.moujaes at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Apr 5 20:10:16 CEST 2010

Dear PWSCF users,


Hope you all had a happy Easter. I am running the ph.x code for graphene(and Thankfully no errors are encountered). it is just that it IS taking a really long time to produce the dynamical matrices on the q grid I specified which is:


nq1= 2, nq2=2, nq3=2 (a total of 8 points).. It is taking like an our to produce the .dyn files for every q point. I do not think it should require that much time. Is there something I might be missing?



Thank you


Elie Moujaes

University of Nottingham


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