[Pw_forum] Re2: Error of GWW in running head.x

yukihiro_okuno at fujifilm.co.jp yukihiro_okuno at fujifilm.co.jp
Thu Apr 1 12:06:18 CEST 2010

Dear Prof. Giannozzi.

Thank you for your reply.

I tried the current development (cvs) version

which was downloaded by cvs

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at scm.qe-forge.org:/cvsroot/q-e checkout espresso.

Then try GWW_examples/example02

and  in the process of HEAD calculation still give same error,

the contents of "CRASH" file are

     task #         0
     from seqopn : error #         1
     wrong unit


my condition of configure is

./configure F90=mpif90 F77=mpif90 CC=mpicc FFLAGS=-O3 CFLAGS=-O3

with intel ifort Fortran compiler Version 10.1 in Linux machine. Compile is

I think error come from the parts of the program I previously wrote in this
( I think , but it may be wrong.)


Yukihiro Okuno.

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