[Pw_forum] a question about Want package

Andrea Ferretti ferretti at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 25 17:21:01 CET 2009

Hi Mohsen,

I think the two codes are meant to do similar jobs for the hardcore
part of the calculation (such as the localization of wannier functions), while
then probably differ more in terms of the final applications, postproc
tools, user interface, etc...

you can find more details looking directly at the websites:




> Replying to message "Re: [Pw_forum] a question about Want package" from
> mohsen modaresi (25/11/09):
> > I start working with Want, and I also see 'wannier.x' in Esp. package
> > Is There any resemblance bwtween them?
> The package included in (some versions of) QE is Wannier90; which I've
> never used. They are similar to some extent, as they do mostly the same
> thing; but I really cannot say more.
> cheers

Andrea Ferretti
MIT, Dept Material Science & Engineering
bldg 13-4078, 77, Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Tel: +1 617-452-2455;  Skype: andrea_ferretti
URL: http://quasiamore.mit.edu

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