[Pw_forum] QE postdoc opportunity @ ANL

Nichols A. Romero naromero at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 22:59:08 CET 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I bring to your attention computational postdoctoral fellowships at
Argonne National Laboratory for those interested in working on the
computational aspects of electronic structure methods.

Please share this with any Ph.D. student or postdoc who would be be a good fit:

We are looking for candidates interested in the development of Quantum
Espresso for massively parallel electronic structure calculations on our
Blue Gene / P. In particular, their is great interest in implementing
coarse-grained parallelization for phonon calculations over MPI in
order to rapidly accelerate the design of complex oxide materials.
This project will also require advancing the hybrid MPI-OpenMP
parallelism in Quantum Espresso to maximize its peak performance on
the Blue Gene / P architecture. The postdoc will work closely with
staff in the Leadership Computing Facility and the Material Science

An ideal candidate will have experience in MPI programming and
development of Quantum Espresso. For further information, please
Nichols A. Romero
naromero at alcf.anl.gov

Argonne National Laboratory offers competitive salaries.

Nichols A. Romero, Ph.D.
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne, IL 60490
(630) 252-3441 (O)
(630) 470-0462 (C)

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