[Pw_forum] e: "cannot open xml_recover file for writing"

Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi cristian.degliesposti at unibo.it
Tue Nov 10 16:49:34 CET 2009

 >It seems
 >to work (unless the file is corrupted, which occasionally
 >happens, especially if stopping execution with control-C
 >as I was doing), also in parallel execution.

More specifically all the "restart" errors I had with ph.x
occurred when I try to restart a calculation stopped by
the parallel scheduler on the SP6 machine (CINECA) due
to the fact that the job reached the maximum allowed time
on that queue. So, parallely, I notified the fact also
to the administrators.

Cheers, Cristian
Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi
CNR, CNISM, Unita' di Ricerca di Bologna, c/o
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Bologna
viale Berti-Pichat, 6/2, 40127, Bologna, Italia
tel. ++39 051 2095114   fax ++39 051 2095113
e-mail: cristian.degliesposti -AT- unibo.it
web:    http://www.df.unibo.it/fismat/theory

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