[Pw_forum] question about the format of gam.lines generated by matdyn.x

mat yu.xie at mat.ethz.ch
Sat May 23 22:02:55 CEST 2009

Dear all,

I found the reason. I recompiled the QE by using ifort and I got the gam.lines file. But there was another problem.

The gam.lines file is looks like:
 Broadening   0.0050
       1    0.0037 -0.0001  0.0059  0.0441 -0.0039  0.0409  0.1385 -0.0046  0.0098
   *****   -0.1427  0.1015 -0.0148  0.2303  0.1364 -0.0261  0.3156  0.2340  0.9957
   *****    4.3933
       2    0.0104  0.0000  0.0065 -0.0137 -0.0198  0.0594  0.1533  0.0025  0.0002
   *****   -0.1494  0.1089  0.0046  0.2161  0.2436 -0.0276  0.4711  0.1582  1.0774
   *****    4.3485

As u can see, I have 21 modes and the 10th and 20th modes are *****. This is because in the line 1796 of matdyn.f90 'FORMAT( 3x,I5,'  ',9F8.4 )'. Only ten data can be written into one line. The only solution I can do is change 9F8.4 to 21F8.4, but I'm not sure whether there will be another problem.

Best regards,


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