[Pw_forum] Re: Extracting the kinetic energy from the one-electron contribution

Passerone, Daniele Daniele.Passerone at empa.ch
Mon May 18 13:40:00 CEST 2009

|Maybe, if you let us know what you need, instead of what you want, we can
|find a simpler solution. But if you are really interested in kinetic
|energy I cannot just tell you "print ekin in kinetic.f90".

I am not sure about the nuance of your request :-)
However, I have a defected slab where I observe what I think is bonding/antibonding. 
At variance with Mott localization this should improve the kinetic energy with respect to 
a slab where this defect is not present.
So probably the kin. energy density, as output of pp.x would be the best of all  worlds...
then one could integrate over all space, layer by layer, etc...



Dr. Daniele Passerone
Theory and atomistic simulation of materials group

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Research
nanotech at surfaces laboratory

Ueberlandstrasse 129 
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Tel.: +41-(0)44-8234877
Fax : +41-(0)44-8234031

E-mail in case of false blacklisting: daniele.passerone at hispeed.ch

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