[Pw_forum] bulk module (orthorhombic)

程迎春 yccheng.nju at gmail.com
Mon May 4 13:57:41 CEST 2009

Dear Saeedian,
       If you are just interested in the bulk modulus, you can do a
"vc-relax" calculation with "press='a series a value'". Then you can use the
ev.x program to get the bulk modulus.  But if you want to get the elastic
constants, as far as I know, PWscf can not do it straightly.

2009/5/4 meghdad saeedian <meghdad_saeedian at yahoo.com>

>  Dear all,
> How can I calculate the bulk module for an *orthorhombic *lattice* * with
> espresso?
> Best regards,
> Saeedian
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Y. C. Cheng
Department of Physics
Nanjing University
Nanjing 210093
P. R. China
Tel: 86-25-83592907
Email: yccheng.nju at gmail.com
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