[Pw_forum] Sujet : Re: Chosing output file using the -in/input option
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at democritos.it
Wed Jul 15 12:08:37 CEST 2009
Sylvian Cadars wrote:
> What makes me think the problem comes more from Q-E is that the job is
> well distributed on the processors of all nodes as soon as the Q-E
> (right?) option "-in inputfile.in" is used (as explained in Q-E user
> guide, see link below) instead of the standard "pw.x <inputfile.in>
> outputfile.out" syntax.
the problem does not come from q-e. It is your cluster that is set up
in a strange way. Anyway, if it works with "-in input_file", it is
irrelevant where the problem is.
> If as Lorenzo wrote it is not possible to redirect the output
it is: just use " > ". If redirection doesn't work on your system,
that's another story. You can go to PW/startup.f90 and change
IF ( me_image /= root_image ) &
OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = '/dev/null', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
IF ( me_image /= root_image ) THEN
OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = '/dev/null', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = 'some_file_name', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
For CP, edit CPV/environment.f90 in a similar way
Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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