[Pw_forum] vc-relax
hania djani-ait aissa
djaithania at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 24 11:48:18 CET 2009
Dear all,
i am doing calculation on orthorombic system containing 36 atoms (Bi2WO6). My computer is a workstation HP xw6400 quad-core Xeon, 2GB. Vc-relax on this system spent more than 01 mounth and still not finish. the energy is converging but forces fluctuate. is there something wrong in my input in terms of umass or dt? or have i to capitulate to this very slow convergence?
here is the input file. Any suggestions will welcome.
&control calculation = 'vc-relax' restart_mode = 'from_scratch' pseudo_dir = '/root/pwscf/pseudo/' outdir = '/root/tmp/' tstress = .TRUE. tprnfor = .TRUE. nstep = 55 etot_conv_thr= 1e-5, forc_conv_thr= 1e-4, dt = 30, / &system ibrav=8 celldm(1)=10.37, celldm(2)=0.996, celldm(3)=3.00, nat=36 ntyp=3 ecutwfc=35.0 ecutrho=200.0, / &electrons conv_thr = 1e-8, mixing_beta=0.7, / &ions /&cell cell_dynamics = 'damp-w', press = 0.00, wmass = 0.004,/ ATOMIC_SPECIES W 183.84 W.pz-bhs.UPF Bi 208.98 083-Bi-ca-d-vgrp_ji.uspp.UPF O 15.9994 O.pz-van_ak.UPF ATOMIC_POSITIONS alatW 0.000000000 0.005016973 0.747761262 0 1 1W 0.500000000 0.990983027 2.252238738 0 1 1W 0.500000000 0.492983027 0.747761262 0 1 1W 0.000000000 0.503016973 2.252238738 0 1 1Bi 0.964931181 0.523336245 1.268793038Bi 0.464931181 0.472663755 1.731206962Bi 0.464931181 0.970663755 1.268793038Bi 0.964931181 0.025336245 1.731206962Bi 0.981726782 0.473760364 0.230569958Bi 0.481726782 0.522239636 2.769430042Bi 0.481726782 0.024239636 0.230569958Bi 0.981726782 0.971760364 2.769430042O 0.100459245 0.081203101 0.435231801O 0.600459245 0.914796899 2.564768199O 0.600459245 0.416796899 0.435231801O 0.100459245 0.579203101 2.564768199O 0.264260826 0.262143525 3.000064967O 0.764260826 0.733856475 -0.000064967O 0.764260826 0.235856475 3.000064967O 0.264260826 0.760143525 -0.000064967O 0.247153777 0.235070329 1.501190932O 0.747153777 0.760929671 1.498809068O 0.747153777 0.262929671 1.501190932O 0.247153777 0.733070329 1.498809068O 0.283152650 0.701520345 0.680189839O 0.783152650 0.294479655 2.319810161O 0.783152650 0.792479655 0.680189839O 0.283152650 0.203520345 2.319810161O 0.335776234 0.239505837 0.816308565O 0.835776234 0.756494163 2.183691435O 0.835776234 0.258494163 0.816308565O 0.335776234 0.737505837 2.183691435O 0.586065178 0.587540848 1.058853940O 0.086065178 0.408459152 1.941146060O 0.086065178 0.906459152 1.058853940O 0.586065178 0.089540848 1.941146060 K_POINTS {automatic} 5 5 5 1 1 1
thanks a lot
Hania Djani-ait aissa
PHD student
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