[Pw_forum] Energy of CO Crystal
Axel Kohlmeyer
akohlmey at cmm.chem.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 9 21:13:41 CET 2009
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009, Amos Leffler wrote:
AL> Dear Forum,
dear amos,
AL> I have been trying to calculate the energy of a CO crystal
AL> using the coordinates given in
AL> cst-www.nrl.navy.mul/lattice/struk.xmol/b21.pos. This has 14 CO
AL> molecules. I used the format shown in example03 with the proper
no it doesn't! there are 4 CO molecules per unit
cell. one in the corner and 3 in the faces.
AL> changes for the number of atoms and crystal structure.
AL> Unfortunately the cal- culation does not converge. Increasing the
converge for self-consistency or for geometry?
AL> number of iterations and ecutwfc and ecutrho improved things a
AL> little but the convergence is still about 10^-4 Ry. I am
AL> particularly interested in the interactions between molecules so
AL> this is not satis- factory. Is there anything I can do to improve
AL> the calculation to reach convergence to about 10^-7 Ry?
impossible to say without seeing your input file.
i just did a quick test and it converges rather easily.
AL> Incidentally the calculated triple bond energy for a
AL> single CO molecule is about 43 Ry while the literature value given
AL> in texts is about 54 Ry. Is this to be expected?
how did you determine this 43Ry value (or the 54Ry)?
this would be equivalent to 27000 (or 33900) kcal/mol.
hardly realistic.
AL> Hopefully someone has ideas about how to improve the convergence.
AL> Amos
AL> Leffler
Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey at cmm.chem.upenn.edu http://www.cmm.upenn.edu
Center for Molecular Modeling -- University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
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