[Pw_forum] Benchmarking: openmpi-1.3 vs openmpi-1.2.8

Mahmoud Payami mahmoud.payami at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 14:18:30 CET 2009

Dear Axel and Paolo,

Thank you for the comments.
For Paolo's advice, I repeated the same job more than 5 times, the results
differed within some percent of second, so I can trust at least on "PWSCF
       :  1m58.00s CPU time,     4m44.00s wall time".

On the other hand, for Axel's advice, I eliminated the interconnection
factor just by running on a single box with 2 cores (P4 3.2G), and
obtained the acceptable result:
"PWSCF        :  1m58.54s CPU time,     2m10.72s wall time".
:-) The wall time is decreased to less than half of the run on 4 cores in
2 boxes, and now "wall time" and "cpu time" are more or less the same.

Thank you again!

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