[Pw_forum] ld1 & search of ghost states
Max.Lawson at unige.ch
Thu Feb 12 18:32:10 CET 2009
Dear Q.-E. users,
I have a question about the use of the ld1 code and the identification
of ghost states. I am trying to generate a norm-conserving TM PP for
iron (xc=blyp), with the 3s and 3p semicores states treated as valence
states. The reference configuration used is: '[Ne] 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s0 4p0'.
I generated one with the fhi98pp package, but I would like to also do it
with the LD1 code, using the blyp and also other more recent functionals.
According to my understanding of the LD1 manual (INPUT_LD1.html),
testing the generated PP with a basis set of Bessel functions allow the
identification of ghost states. In order to see how this shows up, I used
too large cutoff radii ('rcut') for generating the PP (pseudotype=1). This
one was stored in a UPF file.
*) I used lloc=0 and, during the test, the following warning was issued
Computing logarithmic derivative in 2.19388
WARNING! Expected number of nodes: 0= 2- 1- 1, number of
nodes found: 1.
Setting wfc to zero for this iteration.
(This warning will only be printed once per wavefunction)
Computing logarithmic derivative in 2.19388
Computing the partial wave expansion
no projector for channel: 0
I therefore guessed that a ghost state at least appears in the L=1
channel (according to my understanding of "ascheqps.f90").
*) The calculation of the logarithm was followed by a test of the PP:
scalar relativistic calculation
atomic number is 26.00 valence charge is 16.00
dft =BLYP lsd =0 sic =0 latt =0 beta=0.20 tr2=1.0E-14
mesh =1191 r(mesh) = 101.18024 xmin = -7.00 dx = 0.01250
n l nl e AE (Ry) e PS (Ry) De AE-PS (Ry)
1 0 3S 1( 2.00) -8.25458 -8.25457 0.00000
2 1 3P 1( 6.00) -5.76444 -5.76444 0.00000
3 2 3D 1( 6.00) -1.89183 -1.89183 0.00000
2 0 4S 1( 0.00) -1.50529 -1.74603 0.24073
3 1 4P 1( 0.00) -1.07194 -1.13184 0.05990
eps = 7.2E-15 iter = 23
Etot = -2543.705260 Ry, -1271.852630 Ha, -34608.870131 eV
Etotps = -237.821799 Ry, -118.910899 Ha, -3235.730128 eV
*) Then, there is the test with the basis set of Bessel functions. But
no warning or error message was printed during this test:
Box size (a.u.) : 30.0
Cutoff (Ry) : 50.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -8.2690 Ry -1.7535 Ry -0.6442 Ry
E(L=1) = -5.8198 Ry -1.1415 Ry -0.4622 Ry
E(L=2) = -1.9392 Ry -0.5486 Ry -0.2724 Ry
Cutoff (Ry) : 55.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -8.2692 Ry -1.7535 Ry -0.6442 Ry
E(L=1) = -5.8266 Ry -1.1429 Ry -0.4626 Ry
E(L=2) = -1.9629 Ry -0.5508 Ry -0.2732 Ry
By looking at the source (test_bessel.f90), I understood that no such
a warning or error message is to be printed. The reading of the above
eigenvalues does not help me tell whether there is a ghost state or not:
I'm clearly missing something !! Probably something very obvious
*) My guess is that I actually should use the semilocal form of the PP to
compute the eigenvalue spectrum and compare this spectrum with
the above one. Is this correct ? If so, how should I proceed ?
I thanks you in advance for your advice and/or help.
Best regards,
Departement de chimie physique
Universite de Geneve - Sciences II
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneve 4
Tel: (41) 22/379 6548 ++ Fax: (41) 22/379 6103
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