[Pw_forum] spin in solve_e

Andrea Floris afloris at physik.fu-berlin.de
Thu Feb 5 22:15:00 CET 2009

Dear users,
I would like to have a confirmation: has LSDA (nspin=2) been implemented 
in PH/solve_e.f90 (Electric Fields Calculation) in the last version of the 
code? In version 3.2 an error occurred, in 4.0.2 the line has been 
commented out. Was this comment written just to make the code not 


  Dr. Andrea Floris
  Institut f"ur Theoretische Physik
  Freie Universit"at Berlin
  Arnimallee 14
  D-14195 Berlin
  Tel +49-30-838-53029
  Fax +49-30-838-55258
  e-mail: andrea.floris at fu-berlin.de

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