[Pw_forum] 4th "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects andApplications"

Stefano Baroni baroni at sissa.it
Tue Feb 3 15:53:36 CET 2009

Upon request, I am gladly forwarding this advertisement that I just  
received from A. Rubio


4th "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and

                             January 2-15th 2010

                       Benasque Center for Physics, Spain


*) E. K. U. Gross
*) Miguel A. L. Marques
*) Fernando Nogueira
*) Angel Rubio

For registration and further details go to:

Scientific Motivation for this event:

The use of TDDFT is increasing, and it is fast becoming one of the tools
of choice to get accurate and reliable predictions for excited-state
properties in solid state physics, chemistry and biophysics, both in the
linear and non-linear regimes. This interest has been motivated by the
recent developments of TDDFT (and time-dependent current functional
theory) and include the description of photo-absorption cross section of
molecules and nanostructures, electron-ion dynamics in the excited state
triggered by either a small or high intense laser fields, van der Waals
interactions, development of new functionals coping with memory and
non-locality effects, applications to biological systems (chromophores),
transport phenomena, optical spectra of solids and low-dimensional
structures (as nanotubes, polymers, surfaces...).

Despite the rising interest in the calculation of excited state  
of quantum systems, the techniques being used have usually been just one
of the topics covered in international meetings, schools and workshops.
This means that scientists new to the field face difficulties in  
its many aspects that could be alleviated if they could attend a  
school on
time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) or Many-Body Techniques

The school is followed by an international workshop, where the new
developments of TDDFT and Many-Body Techniques for the calculation of
excitations are discussed. Students attending the school are  
encouraged to
attend the workshop, so they can get in contact with state of the art
research in the field. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together
leading experts in all these fields with different backgrounds, like
density functional, many-body, nuclear physics, quantum chemists, and
biophysicists. This allows the exchange of ideas between the different
fields and the creation of links between the traditionally separated

Tentative program for the school:

The school will be attended by a maximum of around 50 students, and will
last 9 days, with theoretical sessions (mostly) in the mornings and
practical (tutorial) sessions in the afternoons. The theoretical  
will consist of four 45m lectures (including discussions) per day. The
practical sessions will last for 3 hours per day and a computer will be
allocated for every two students. This will allow the students to have
some time every day for studying and talking to the teachers. The  
of the school starts with basic TDDFT, then continues with more complex
theoretical and numerical aspects of TDDFT, and ends with an outline of
some of its many applications. Basic knowledge on ground state DFT
calculations is required. Also during the school we will address other
approaches to describe excited state properties based on either many- 
perturbation theory or quantum-chemistry schemes.

The preliminary program can be downloaded from

Tentative list of teachers:

--- For the theoretical classes

K. Capelle (Sao Carlos, Brazil)             - Current DFT
  and C. Ullrich (U Missouri, USA)
Franz Himpsel (USA)                         - Overview of spectroscopies
A. Castro (FU Berlin, Germany)              - Propagation schemes
                                              Optimal control theory
R.W. Godby (York, UK)                       - Many-Body - GW
E.K.U Gross (FU Berlin, Germany)            - TDDFT
M. Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley, USA)           - TDDFT as a tool in  
M. Lein (MPI Heidelberg, Germany)           - Models for time-dependent
X. Lopez (San Sebastian, Spain)             - TDDFT as a tool in  
N. Maitra (New York, USA)           - Advanced TDDFT
I. Tokatly (San Sebastian, Spain)
or L. Reining (Paris, France)               - Many-Body - BSE
R. van Leeuwen (Groningen, The Netherlands) - TDDFT versus Many-Body
Stefano Ossicini (Modena, Italy)            - Fraud in Science

--- For the practical sessions
Xavier Andrade (San Sebastian, Spain)
Silvana Botti (Paris, France)
Alberto Castro (Berlin, Germany)
Pablo Garcia (Madrid, Spain)
Andrea Marini (Rome, Italy)
Conor Hogan (Rome, Italy)
Daniele Varsano (Modena, Italy)
Yann Pouillon (San Sebastian, Spain)
Micael Oliveira (Coimbra, Portugal)

During the school we will incentive a close and informal contact between
the students and the teachers. Furthermore, the students will be
stimulated to talk about their current research activities and future
interests. We feel that this is an important point, since young  
should be involved in the building up of a strong community.

The preliminary program of the workshop is:

The 4 day workshop will start January 10, 2010 in the afternoon and will
end January 15 in the morning. It will include both invited talks on key
aspects of TDDFT (45m each), contributed talks (30m) and a poster  
The tentative list of invited speakers is:

** Foundations of TDDFT, new developments and challenges
W. Kohn (Santa Barbara, USA)
N. Maitra (City University of New York, USA)
A. Goerling (Munich, Germany)
S. Kuemmel (MPI-Dresden, Germany)
K. Burke (Irvine, USA)
J. Dobson (Brisbane, Australia)

** Experimental challenges
A. Zewail (Pasadena, USA)
F. Krauz (Munich, Germany)
P.B. Corkum (Ottawa, Canada)
G. Gerber (Wuerzburg, Germany) or L. Woeste (Berlin, Germany)

** TD-DMFT, optimal control theory and strong laser fields
O. Gritsenko (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
S. Kummel (Dresden, Germany)
M. Lein (Kassel, Germany)
T. Seidemann (Chicago, USA)

** Excited state dynamics and chemical reactivity
O. Sugino (Tokyo, Japan)
K. Reuter (Berlin, Germany)
J. Hutter (Zurich, Switzerland)
Y. Miyamoto (NEC, Japan)
F. Martin (Madrid, Spain)

** Molecular Transport
T.N. Todorov (Belfast, UK)
R. van Leeuwen (Jyvaskyla, Finland)
R. Car (Princeton, New Jersey, USA)
M. di Ventra (Virginia, USA)
R. Baer (Jerusalem, Israel)
R. Godby (York, UK)

** Applications: nanotubes, quantum dots, nanostructures, solids and
S.G. Louie (Berkeley, USA)
R. Nieminen (Helsinki, Finland)
C. Ambrosch-Draxl (Graz, Austria)
M. Scheffler (Berlin, Germany)
G. Kresse (Wien, Austria)
S. Baroni (Trieste, Italy)

** Biological applications
E.J. Baerends (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
I. Tavernelli (ETH Zuerich, Switzerland)
M. Sprik (Cambridge, UK)
F. Furche (Irvine, USA)
Klaus Schulten (Illinois, USA)

Some of the lecturers at the school will also contribute to the  

There will be two contributed talks from the winners of the 2nd Pedro
Pascual Prize for the best posters presented at the school.

Format of the workshop:

We plan an informal workshop with sufficient time for discussions. The
informal character of the talks will be encouraged and presentations  
are partly tutorial, given the mixed character of the audience, are most
welcome. The time for each talk will be divided into 75% for the
presentation plus 25% discussion. Speakers will be encouraged to divide
their available time into two separate parts if their topic falls under
more than one heading.


All persons who wish to participate should fill out the application form
at http://sophia.ecm.ub.es/2009tddft/

In the comments section, please indicate if you wish to participate in
the Summer Summer School or in the Workshop (or in both).

School only:
As we have a very limited number of places for the school, students
will be selected from among an open pool of applicants who have
demonstrated a strong interest in computational sciences, applied to
chemistry, physics, materials science and biology. Therefore, in order
that we can make a reasonable selection, we ask that *all* candidates
include in the comments section the following information:

   *) Date of birth, gender
   *) Motivation/Why they want to come (just a couple of lines is
   *) What is their current and previous positions (if PhD or Post-
      doc state your supervisor).

We will *not* accept applications that do not include this information.
Furthermore, we will give priority to students willing to participate in
both the Summer School and the Workshop.

We also have a certain number of grants available that cover traveling
and part of the stay in Benasque. If you want to apply for a grant,
please indicate explicitly that you wish to be supported in the comments
section, and explain why (just a couple of lines is enough).

For participants coming from the USA, please check the following address
for support:

P.S: Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this
Octopus-users mailing list
Octopus-users at tddft.org

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