[Pw_forum] vc-rx
Gabriele Sclauzero
sclauzer at sissa.it
Wed Apr 15 13:31:31 CEST 2009
Mehrnaz Anvari wrote:
> Hell
> I read your answers, but I think (it maybe wrong) after density
> calculating in each step of vc-rx calculations, the program should use
> it in the next step.
I don't know much about vc-rx calculation, but I can tell you for sure that in the relax
calculations it does. The self-consistent charge density at the previous relaxation
step(s) is(are) saved and used as initial guess for the next step.
> so because of trivial changes in cell parameters
> the number of iterations should decrease in each step, shouldn't?
In principle it should, but if the atomic configuration changes a lot from a step to the
other (as it can happen at the beginning of the relaxation) this cannot be guaranteed.
> I have another question about introducing one layer to code. How could
> I select c parameter along z direction ,I mean how large it should be?
In principle with the option cell_dofree you could chose which of the lattice parameters
you want to relax and which to keep fixed at the value specified on input. From previous
posts I suspect this option is not always working as expected. You can try it and report
problems, and possibly try/help to fix them if you are really interested in using it.
> Could I say if stress along z direction become zero after 2-3 steps in
> vc-rx my selection is correct?
At the end of a variable cell calculation all stress components should be below the
convergence threshold.
If you want a lattice parameter to be fixed at a value other than the equilibrium one,
either you try cell_dofree or implement constraints on cell parameters...
Maybe I don't understand exactly what is your aim.
> Best Regards
> M.Anvari
> Iran University Of Science & Technology
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| Gabriele Sclauzero, PhD Student |
| c/o: SISSA & CNR-INFM Democritos, |
| via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy) |
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