[Pw_forum] cp.x and UPF
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at democritos.it
Thu Apr 2 09:52:37 CEST 2009
On Apr 1, 2009, at 21:16 , Carlo Nervi wrote:
> However, when I try to use cp.x for MD the following message appears:
> Reading pseudopotential for specie # 1 from file :
> /opt/QE/pseudo/H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
> file type is 0: Old CPV NC PP
$ grep 'file type is' */*f90
(found in CPV/read_pseudo.f90)
$ vi CPV/read_pseudo.f90
info = check_file_type( is )
CASE (0)
WRITE( stdout,"(3X,'file type is ',I2,': Old CPV NC
PP')") info
let us look into check_file_type:
! 0 file is unknown (guess: old CPV norm-conserving format)
! 20 file is UPF
So we get 0 instead of the correct code 20, set here:
OPEN( UNIT = pseudounit, FILE = TRIM(filename), STATUS = 'OLD' )
header_loop: do while (ios == 0)
read ( pseudounit, *, iostat = ios, err = 200) dummy
if (matches ("<PP_HEADER>", dummy) ) then
info = 20
exit header_loop
So <PP_HEADER> is not found in the upf file. Is it there or not?
Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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