[Pw_forum] a bug in the bands_FS.f90

ding yi ding.y1ding at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 08:27:35 CET 2008

I find that there is a mistake in the bands_FS.f90. In the bands_FS.f90,
line 310," backspace(5) " should be replace by "! back nlines+1 positions
(number of eigenvalues lines plus one blank line) ! do k=1,nlines+1
backspace(5) enddo !
The bands_FS counts the lines of the spin-polarized calculations, while for
the non-spin-polarised case it forgets to counts.

Yi Ding, Ph.D Candidate Department of Physics, Tsinghua University Beijing
100084, P.R.China
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