[Pw_forum] WFC convergence in NEB calculation

Paolo Giannozzi giannozz at democritos.it
Mon Oct 13 16:59:05 CEST 2008

On Oct 10, 2008, at 19:15 , Janos Kiss wrote:

> Is this behavior completely normal in an NEB calculation with  
> PWSCF, or this
> is an issue with my particular system/setup only?

the latter you say, and a bit of the former as well: your particular  
system seems
to be a nasty one, and NEB typically explores strange geometrical  
that are sometimes hard to converge.

> What else could one try, to get the wfc somehow converged?

hard to say (especially withouth the ouput). Are you sure that spin  
is not a source of trouble close to the transition state?

One possible trick could be to go on with the calculation even if not  
I am actually considering adding yet another option  
doing exactly this. It should be easy: in PW/electrons.f90, set  
"conv_elec" to
.true. at the last iteration, after the call to "mix_rho". No warranty.

> Another question: when i restart an NEB calculation, how can i  
> restart the wfc
> for those images, which were already converged for a given NEB  
> iteration?
> [...] even for those images, where the wfc was converged, i still  
> need to
> spend again like 5-9 SCF cycles/image.

are you sure that the code is using the same set of coordinates that  
were used
in the previous calculation? Maybe the restart doesn't work as expected.

> What am i doing wrong?

maybe nothing. NEB is relatively new and its application may  
encounter some
difficulties, until more experience is gathered (and better  
algorithms implemented).

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Physics, University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

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