[Pw_forum] xcrysden problem "error couldn't change working directory to "Y/xc_23632": no such file or directory

Tone Kokalj tone.kokalj at ijs.si
Fri Oct 10 11:38:09 CEST 2008

On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 10:44 +0800, xu yuehua wrote:
> hi everyone here:
> i have installed the xcrysden (XCrySDen-pre1.5bbin-static) to linux
> system .and when I ran   xcrysden, the
>  graphic interface can appear, but could open any file ,when i open
> some file ,the error message is below "error couldn't change working
> directory to "Y/xc_23632": no such file or directory"
> AND  i found out the Y  directory is generated automatically  in the
> directory  where the software is running . 

You have specified relative pathname for XCRYSDEN_SCRATCH. A very bad
idea. Thatwhy the "Y" directory is created in current directory. Please
set XCRYSDEN_SCRATCH as absolute pathname, e.g., something
like /scratch/$USER/xcrys_tmp

Regards, Tone

Tone Kokalj <tone.kokalj at ijs.si>
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (tel:
+386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

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