[Pw_forum] k point convergence of dielectric properties
dario rocca
roccad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 08:41:24 CEST 2008
Dear Users
I have an issue related to the convergence of the static dielectric matrix
using the PH code. I have performed calculations
on bulk silicon using different k point meshes and I have obtained the
following results:
k grid diagonal component of number of k points in
the dielectric tensor the irreducible
Brillouin zone
4*4*4 23.668350065 8
6 *6*6 16.297485614 16
8 *8*8 14.044830694 29
10 *10*10 13.288531964 47
12*12*12 13.029602882 72
16 *16*16 12.908820645 145
20 *20*20 12.894538380 256
k grid+ 1 1 1 shift diagonal component of number of k
points in
the dielectric tensor
the irreducible Brillouin zone
4*4*4 13.840844632
12.997009732 28
12.903849607 60
10*10*10 12.893711596
12*12*12 12.892685597
16*16*16 12.892482798
20*20*20 12.892537346
I was surprised of the improvement in the convergence due to the shift of
the grid. I don't think this is related to the number of k points
in the IBZ (at least not exclusively).
I have observed a similar behavior in diamond.
The ground state energy convergence also benefits from the shift, but the
improvement is not so striking.
Does someone has any hint on why the shift of the grid improves the
calculation of the dielectric properties of silicon?
Thanks a lot
Dario Rocca, dept. of chemistry, UC Davis
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