[Pw_forum] possible bug in scatter_forw.f90
Manoj Srivastava
manoj at phys.ufl.edu
Fri Oct 10 05:20:12 CEST 2008
Any follow ups on the message below? Alexander?
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is any body familiar with the scatter_forw.f90 subroutine of PWCOND? I
> think there is a bug in this subroutine at the place where you calculate
> intw2, which is z integration of nonlocal wavefunction with beta function.
> I have looked up the necessary formulae in the Choi & Ihm's paper (PRB 59,
> 2267, Jan 1999). In the paper, nonlocal wavefunction has 3 terms, one of
> which contains beta function, say W. The other two parts dont have any W
> in them, rather they are just plane wave solution. (Please have a look at
> equation 24 and 26 of the paper ). So, when we are doing z integration of
> nonlocal wavefunction with beta function W, we should have three terms,
> one of which should contain two W, but rest should just have one W. On the
> other hand in the code all three terms contain two beta functions!!
> (please have a look at line 228 of scatter_forw.f90). I am wondering if my
> understanding is right?
> I have one more question in the later part of the same subroutine. What
> does the lapack subroutine
> ZGESV(2*n2d,2*n2d+norb*npol,amat,2*n2d,ipiv,xmat,2*n2d,info)
> do?
> I tried to look it up and i got the idea that it is trying to solve
> amat*x=xmat, with amat and xmat known and x unknown, and at the end of
> calculation it stores x in xmat.
> so, basically it does-- x=[(amat)^(-1)]*xmat. Am i right? So, it changes
> the structure of xmat from what is defined in 'constructs matrices'
> part. Is it correct?
> Also, afterwards in this code where it 'rotates integrals' is not very
> clear to me.
> Could somebody please tell me in little detail, what is going on
> here? Also, is this subroutine written just on the basis of Choi and Ihm
> paper, or are there more reference to it? If yes, would someone mind
> mentioning them?
> Regards,
> Manoj Srivastava
> Physics Graduate Student
> University of Florida,
> Gainesville,FL, USA
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