[Pw_forum] xml file format control

yumin qian yuminqian at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 04:30:27 CEST 2008

> I meet with a problem , I use the newest version of PWSCF code. the output
> file of charge density is suffix.dat , it's a binary file . and the wave
> function file is suffix.wfcx  is also a binary file. but the

   file contains the system info is data-file.xml , my question is how to
set input parameter to make the out put files of  wavefuntion and charge
density in xml format.

Sincerely Y. M. Qian
Lab.of Condensed Matter Theory and Materials Computation
Institute of Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel:  + 8610 8264 9147
E-Mail:yuminqian at gmail.com <E-Mail%3Ayuminqian at gmail.com>
P.O.Box 603   Beijing 100190
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