[Pw_forum] Compile pwscf on HP Unix

Yu Xie yu.xie at mat.ethz.ch
Wed May 21 15:46:14 CEST 2008

Dear PWSCF users,

I'm trying to install the pwscf 3.2.3 on a HP Unix machine. The  
compiler is f90. And I got some problems with compute_fes_grads.F90.  
The error message is like below:

         cpp -P -traditional -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW -D__MPI - 
D__PARA -I../include  compute_fes_grads.f90 -o compute_fes_grads.F90
         mpif90 -O -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW -D__MPI -D__PARA - 
I../include  -I./  -I../Modules  -I../iotk/src  -I../PW  -I../PH  -I../ 
CPV -c compute_fes_grads.F90 -o compute_fes_grads.o
    external subroutine COMPUTE_FES_GRADS
      internal subroutine WRITE_RESTART
      internal function INTERRUPT_RUN
Error 1055 : In program unit COMPUTE_FES_GRADS variable STARTINGPOT  
has not been given a type
Error 1055 : In program unit COMPUTE_FES_GRADS variable STARTINGWFC  
has not been given a type
    external subroutine METADYN
      internal subroutine FREE_ENERGY_GRAD
      internal subroutine MOVE_TO_TARGET
   dirname = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) // '.save'
Warning 441 at (502:compute_fes_grads.F90) : Character string  
truncated to length 256 on assignment
    external subroutine RESET_INIT_MAG
    external subroutine ELECTRONIC_SCF

2 Errors
f90: error 213: Errors detected.
*** Error exit code 1

*** Error exit code 1


How can I correct this error?

Thanks very much!

With mu best regards,


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