[Pw_forum] why there is no code for the constant of e-p couplingfor nonmetal?is there any difficulty for nonmetal?

Huiqun Zhou hqzhou at nju.edu.cn
Sun Mar 23 09:19:24 CET 2008


Have you searched the mailing list archive? Stefano had an explanation 
to your question(^o^) about a year ago.

Huiqun Zhou
@Nanjing University

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: xu yuehua 
  To: PWSCF Forum 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:27 PM
  Subject: [Pw_forum] why there is no code for the constant of e-p couplingfor nonmetal?is there any difficulty for nonmetal?

  hello all 
  i have no answer when my boss ask this question .
  anyone can help me to cover this question .
  thank you 
  Xu Yuehua
  physics Department of Nanjing university


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