[Pw_forum] Fermi-surface spin-polarization code ?

r95222066 at ntu.edu.tw r95222066 at ntu.edu.tw
Thu Mar 20 08:03:05 CET 2008

Dear all,
     One day I had found a message about new relase about Fermi  
surface spin-polarization code .

Here is the message from Forum
Dear Paolo,
Dear users,

I have re-written (in F90 style) the Fermi Surface
(FS) plot program so that now FS calculations for
spin polarized cases are allowed.

Actually I removed a part of the program for bands
structure calculations "Calc_Type=Bands". I think this

one deserves its own script.

Input remains the same except "Calc_Type" line removed
now. I apply also re-written script for Ni where one
can find FS calculations for magnetic and nonmagnetic

Please update these files in the QE distribution.

P.S. I have seen my responsibility for the QHA staff.
Mostly it is ready to use.

I also see the PWscf website has a new release edition  
"espressocvs2.tar" (released 2008-03-11) Second pre-release of 4.0  
version (11-mar-08) - please test.

My question is the Fermi surface spin-polarization code in the new  
released edition ?

Thanks a lot !

             Bing-Hong Chen,National Taiwan University ,Taiwan

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