[Pw_forum] make error when installing espresso-3.2.3 in linux machine

xu yuehua njuxuyuehua at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 10:21:56 CET 2008

thank you
.but i still do not know how to deal with the problem.
i have so  little knowledge about the compiler .

2008/3/18, Paolo Giannozzi <giannozz at nest.sns.it>:
> Presently, configure looks first for a fortran compiler,
> then for a mpif90 script. Configure assumes that the latter
> uses the former. If not, the fortran flags chosen for the mpif90
> scripts will not be the correct ones. In your case you have
> ifort as (serial) compiler but your mpif90 script uses pgi
> Paolo
> --
> Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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Xu Yuehua
physics Department of Nanjing university
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