[Pw_forum] Combining WFC files?

Andrea Ferretti ferretti.andrea at unimore.it
Fri Mar 14 11:14:50 CET 2008

Dear Min,

>> Are there any possibilities to combine these several WFC files into one 
>> unified file?

> There is an option "wf_collect" that produces a single wfc file
> (per k-point), in a format that is independent on the number
> of processors.

in the cvs version of espresso, you can also find a code-indipendent 
library to read wavefunctions written with the above flag at:



Andrea Ferretti
National Research Center S3, CNR-INFM  ( http://s3.infm.it )
Dip. Fisica, Univ. di Modena e Reggio E. (Italy)
Tel: +39 059 2055301;  Fax: +39 059 374794;  Skype: andrea_ferretti
URL: http://www.nanoscience.unimo.it

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