[Pw_forum] davcio: error # 10 when running projwfc.x

Yaser Rehem yrehem at mac.com
Sat Mar 1 05:03:47 CET 2008


Has anyone ever gotten a davcio: error # 10 when running projwfc.x?

I'm trying to do a pDOS calculation as per example 8 in the espresso  
3.2.3, however I'm stuck unable to execute the last step due to the i/ 
o error above.  I've successfully performed pDOS calculations in the  
past when using espresso 3.2.

Currently, I'm running 3.2.3. compiled with g95 and the openmpi on OSX  
10.5.2.  Any ideas here?  I've been stuck on this for some time.

Thank you,

-Yaser Rehem
Rehem Research & Consulting

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