[Pw_forum] A bug in the pp.x?

Lorenzo Paulatto paulatto at sissa.it
Sun Jun 8 16:55:16 CEST 2008

On Sun, June 8, 2008 13:46, zhaohscas wrote:
>  Hi forks,
Hi chopstick ;-),

>  In the abobe case, the e1 \bot e2, and e2 \bot e3, but e1 isn'
>  perpendicular to e3.  So, this will violate orthogonal condition.

You are right: the actual check performed by the code is:
  e_i \cdot \e_j > 1.d-6
which wrongly allows non-orthogonal vectors if their pairwise scalar
products are negative. Thank you for reporting, it will be fixed in the
next release.


Lorenzo Paulatto
+39 040 3787 511

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