[Pw_forum] input/output not consistent for ibrav =0 in subroutine readmat (elphon.f90)
Yansun Yao
yay451 at mail.usask.ca
Sun Dec 14 20:24:31 CET 2008
Dear Quantum-ESPRESSO developers,
I found if one uses ibrav=0 for phonon calculations, there are 4 extra lines
printed out on the top of dyn file, showing explicitly the cell parameters. For
1.008529298 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 1.008529298 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1.726604604
However, the subroutine readmat in elphon.f90 does not have the option
reading/avoiding these lines. These are the relavent lines I grepped from
REWIND (iudyn)
READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
READ (iudyn, * ) ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, celldm_
DO na = 1, nat
READ (iudyn, * ) i, ityp_, tau_
IF (na.NE.i.OR.ityp_.NE.ityp (na) ) CALL errore ('readmat', &
'inconsistent data', 10 + na)
I guess we might need to insert some commands here for ibrav=0.
I hope my understanding here is correct, but please forgive me if I rised a
stupid question. Recently I updated my Quantum-ESPRESSO to the newest version
from version 2.1.4, so there are some parts become unfamiliar to me. I guess I
need to update it more often.
Yansun Yao
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council of Canada
100 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
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