[Pw_forum] pw2casino difficulty
lshulenburger at ciw.edu
lshulenburger at ciw.edu
Mon Aug 18 21:36:38 CEST 2008
I am having difficulty with the version of pw2casino that is included in
the 4.0.1 distribution of quantum espresso. Whenever I attempt to run
this utility I get an error message from each node stating:
Atom 01 not found
And then the program exits. Looking at the source I see that at line 284
of pw2casino.f90 the program is attempting to write out information about
the atoms used in the calculation. I do not need this information, so I
simply commented out the next five lines:
! DO na = 1, nat
! nt = ityp(na)
! at_num = atomic_number(TRIM(atm(nt)))
! WRITE(io,'(i6,3f20.14)') at_num, (alat*tau(j,na),j=1,3)
and the utility runs without issue. I am not particularly familiar with
the code base of pwscf and as such am not sure whether this is a trivial
problem to fix or even whether it is due to some error in the way I am
using the code. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Luke Shulenburger
(lshulenburger at ciw.edu)
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