[Pw_forum] fhi2upf.f90
Munima Bora Sahariah
munima at iitg.ernet.in
Thu Aug 7 05:59:24 CEST 2008
Dear Ramesh
yesterday I tried the same fhi2upf.x for Ba pseudopotential. Below is the
Input file > 56-Ba.GGA.fhi
read_fhi: assuming abinit format
Pseudopotential with NLCC successfully read
DFT read from abinit file: *
DFT > pbe
Wavefunction # 1: label, occupancy > 6S, 2
Wavefunction # 2: label, occupancy > 5P, 6
Wavefunction # 3: label, occupancy > 5S, 2
Wavefunction # 4: label, occupancy > 4P, 6
Pseudopotential successfully converted
Output PP file in UPF format : 56-Ba.GGA.fhi.UPF
> Dear all
> i want to convert the pseudopotential from abinit form to pwscf form. i
> used the executable fhi2upf.x. it asked (wavefunction 1,2,3 and 4) label
> and occupancy
> print '("Wavefunction # ",i1,": label, occupancy > ",$)', i
> read (5,*) els(i), oc(i)
> nns (i) = 0
> lchi(i) = i-1
> rcut(i) = 0.0d0
> rcutus(i)= 0.0d0
> epseu(i) = 0.0d0
> i compared with the available UPF format and it should be nl and occupancy
> but how to feed it???????
> with regards
> K. Ramesh Kumar
> Research scholar
> Department of physics
> IIT Madras
> Chennai-600036_______________________________________________
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Dr. Munima B. Sahariah
PI, DST Fast Track Project
IASST, Guwahati
Assam, INDIA
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