[Pw_forum] GIAPW LSF problem?

Lorenzo Paulatto paulatto at sissa.it
Fri Apr 25 18:16:21 CEST 2008

On Ven, Aprile 25, 2008 05:41, Charles Chen wrote:
>  So, the gipaw.x does not read the input file.

There is no -in nor -input option in gipaw.x, at the moment the only way
to feed it the input is via standard input.

>  Is there something I need to specify when I make gipaw.x, so that it can
>  read the input file with -in tag?

Yes, you have to program it ;-).

>  Or this is a problem purely related to LSF?

Maybe you can still use mpi + lsf whith input redirection. It usually
works, but you need the input file on all nodes. (You can create it in the
input script using the "cat << eof ... eof" trick as in the examples)


Lorenzo Paulatto
+39 040 3787 511

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